Labels:bulletin board | encyclical | fence | reckoner | sky OCR: Protocol/internet Prot tocol The Internet's communicat ion prc (See Internet proi toco1.) Text file that contains on1y letters always nurnbers ASCU signs) lena ion.) ends with txt (See fi Tename Thread ting group of newsgroup messages the same sub iect (See Newsreade news server Usenet To0 Tbar buttons Butt .ons in an app1 icatior that let operate desired options immedi menus without needing search in vari nple Net tscape's tool Tbar buttons, for irclude "Open" "Back" and "Forwe (See Netscape ternet commun ication alwaus numbers ASCH filene filename mess8oes newsgroups Usenei Toolbar thai onerate ired irorned renus seerch mple lude FOrw tSCaoe